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Dog Teeth Cleaning Guide
Dog Teeth Cleaning Guide

Dog Teeth Cleaning Guide

When it comes to canine grooming, teeth cleaning is often overlooked.


While bathing and brushing your dog’s coat is extremely important, brushing its teeth and maintaining oral hygiene also play a big part in keeping your dog healthy. Poor oral hygiene can lead to dental issues that can cause severe pain and discomfort to your pooch. Hence, as a dog parent, you must learn the basics of dog teeth cleaning. So, keep reading to ensure that you have mastered your dog’s dental care needs. 

Importance of cleaning dog teeth

Wondering why dogs need to have their teeth cleaned frequently?  Here’s why dog teeth cleaning is important for your canine companion:

  • Preventing bad breath

    Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a whiff of an extremely off-putting smell that suggests that your dog’s oral care needs immediate attention. A healthy mouth and clean teeth will keep bad breath at bay.

  • Preventing tooth loss and pain

    Yes, unhealthy dental health can result in tooth loss. When the structures that support a dog’s teeth become infected, damaged, or weak, teeth start to loosen and fall out. Clean dog teeth will make sure these structures don’t get affected in any way.

  • Preventing harmful plaque

    Plaque is a sticky deposit on teeth that can over time harden and turn into tartar. While a veterinarian can remove tartar from your dog’s teeth easily, this bacteria deposit can cause gumline inflammation in your floof’s mouth and weaken its dental structure.

How to clean dog teeth

Follow these steps to set a sparkling teeth routine for your furry friend: 

  • Use a good pet toothbrush and toothpaste

    There are many types of toothpaste and toothbrushes available in the market today that are designed specifically for dogs. These brushes feature soft bristles, angled brushes, and even different brush heads to ensure that they reach every nook and cranny of your dog’s mouth. Since toothpaste for humans contains ingredients like fluoride and xylitol that can be harmful for dogs, you will have to purchase a dog-specific toothpaste for your pooch.

  • Dental chews

    Dental chews are a great investment for your dog’s oral health. They clean dog teeth while also satisfying their natural cravings for a tasty treat. Dog dental chews are designed to minimize plaque and tartar build-up and leave your floof’s teeth sparkly. These chews are available in different sizes and shapes, and feature nubs and ridges that promote blood flow through the gums.

  • Dental sprays

    If you’re missing out on snuggle time with your dog because of its bad breath, dental sprays are the ideal quick fix for clean dog teeth. This solution kills plaque-causing bacteria and leaves your dog’s breath smelling fresh in a jiffy. A dental spray can be used as an alternative once in a while; however, it cannot replace the process of regular brushing.

  • Chew toys

    Chew toys are a great way to keep your dog from chewing and destroying your precious belongings. While these toys can keep your dog thoroughly entertained, they are also designed to help improve its oral health.

  • Professional cleaning

    No matter how many times you brush your dog’s teeth at home, you must take it for professional canine dental cleaning. Veterinarians are skilled at diagnosing and treating any oral health issues that may otherwise go unnoticed. Professional teeth cleaning once a year is highly recommended for all dogs.

How to maintain your dog’s oral hygiene

Maintaining a healthy dog teeth hygiene routine can be difficult for first-time dog parents. That’s exactly why this article highlights a few important aspects of making sure that your dog’s teeth stay healthy:

  • Plan a good diet

    What your dog eats plays a vital role in its oral and dental health. Just like humans, dogs need a certain amount of care to ensure that their dental hygiene is maintained. Along with poor brushing patterns, unhealthy eating habits also cause your dog’s teeth to suffer. Therefore, pet parents are advised to consult a veterinarian to nail down a ideal meal plan for your pooch.

  • Regular brushing

    Dogs don’t need to stick to brushing twice a day like humans, but they definitely should get their teeth brushed every other day. Neglecting this may cause plaque build-up on your dog’s teeth which can later turn into tartar. While tartar is easily removable, it can affect your dog’s gums, dental structure, and may cause your floof’s teeth to fall out eventually. Hence, brush your dog’s teeth regularly with tools that are specially designed for them.

  • Don’t delay dental care

    Neglecting dental care for your floof can catch up with its health in no time. Start dental care for your dog at a young age and invest in good oral hygiene products. Take your pet to a veterinarian and establish an oral care routine. A vet can also prescribe the right tools to help with your canine’s dental cleaning.


  • Is dental cleaning for dogs necessary?

    Dog teeth cleaning should be taken seriously by all dog parents. Poor dental health can lead to periodontal disease, bleeding gums, bad breath, and more such harmful diseases in dogs. 

  • How do you clean a dog’s teeth safely?

    To clean your dog’s teeth safely, use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. You can consult your veterinarian to choose the right brands and products. Pet parents can also use dental chews and dental sprays to maintain their dog’s teeth hygiene. 

  • Can I use human toothpaste on my dog?

    Human toothpaste contains xylitol and fluoride, ingredients that are harmful to a dog’s health. Hence, using human toothpaste for dog teeth cleaning is not advised.

  • What happens if you never brush your dog’s teeth?

    If you never brush your dog’s teeth, plaque deposits will soon start to build up. Eventually, it will turn into tartar which can result in weak gums as well as dental structures, and can even cause your dog’s teeth to loosen and fall out. 

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